Saturday, July 5, 2008

Cher Bebe

Last night some of the grandbabies were over for a visit (their mama's and daddy's came along too). While the older ones played a DVD game of Clue, I sat on the back porch watching the fireworks with the little ones. It was a real pleasant night out there was a light breeze and the humidity wasn't too bad (of course our back porch is screened in and so no mosquitoes had us for dinner.)

When it was time to go home this little bebe's mama had to search around to find him. First place she looked was in my mama's room. Mama is almost 96 and she puts out little candies for any grandchild that comes in and says hi to her. Little SJ visits her the most, in fact he's been known to lock himself in the room with her so she can continue to hand out the sweets!

His mama found him gone 'do-do' in the guest bedroom. He had climbed up in the bed and put himself to sleep. He looked so content and sweet we let him sleepover.

la bella

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