Thursday, March 20, 2008

Peter Cottontail is On His Way

Easter memories of when I was a child are a great delight to me. I loved all the Easter Songs about Peter Cottontail, the Easter Parade, and as I grew older the spiritual ones. I had an old 78 record player and my Easter record was played over and over again until the scratches just made it impossible to get thru the song. I tried putting several nickels on the needle arm to help weight it down but eventually the scratches just won.

Candy.... for me it was all about chocolate. I could never quite understand when other kids would talk about all the candy they had left over in their closet. One little friend said the remnants of her chocolate bunny had turned white, they were so old. I won't say I ate until I got sick, but I will say that the candy never lasted long. For me it was Gold Brick eggs, the small ones (which never have tasted quite as good since the company moved from New Orleans across the lake) and for my mother it was the LARGE hollowed egg with all the wrapped little gold bricks inside. Dad's favorite was always the Heavenly Hash eggs.

Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hoppin' down the bunny trail.
Hippity, hoppity, Easter's on its way!

Still brings a smile to me.

Once my eldest son told me that he didn't believe in the Easter Bunny because he had asked the Mall Bunny for jelly beans and there weren't any in his basket. Later on Easter we loaded him and his brothers into the car and headed for Maw Maw's house. On the way, at the side of the road was a 6 foot tall Easter Bunny waving at us. We pulled over. The boys hopped out. The Easter Bunny was handing out small packages of.... you guessed it. Jelly beans! Our son was a believer from that time forth. He confided in me that Santa might not be real, but the Easter Bunny was definately real!

I found the following and thought I'd share. Have a fun and Happy Easter and please don't forget the reason we have this holiday. Christ's atonement.

from the banks of the bayou,
la Bella

Reasons I Still Believe in the Easter Bunny

1. Hey, I watch television. Every year, he's there clucking in the Cadbury egg commercials.

2. Who do you think delivers all the baskets and stuff, the little chicks? Doubtful.

3. When I was six, I saw a bunny at the scene of the crime. He put his finger aside his nose, and up the chimney he rose.

4. It was a little cafe somewhere in France, I was young, and yes, I believed everything he told me.

5. Someone is posing for those chocolate rabbit molds, and I think you're thinking what I'm thinking.

6. Who else has time to color all those eggs? Not me, Jack.

7. Yeah, and Peter Rabbit didn't think Mr. McGregor was going to catch him in the cabbage patch either -- get with the times.

8. I had a pet rabbit in the 4th grade, and he told me it was all true.

9. Once, I put a tooth under my pillow, and in the morning I had a marshmallow Easter egg.

10. Someone has to believe in the Easter bunny.

Written by David A. Rinke II

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