Saturday, April 26, 2008

Zippidy Zoo Days

Friday's travels took us to the Baton Rouge Zoo. First time zoo goers there! Pretty neat zoo, all this time of traveling through BR we never knew about the zoo. So happy we got the invite from our grandson.

It was the perfect day at the zoo, the temperature wasn't too hot. I remember a trip to the Audubon Zoo back in the 1981 when the temp was 105 degrees. Now that was some hot zoo trip. But yesterday was just lovely. Slightly overcast at times with a breeze. Once or twice we felt a rain drop but that's all, most of the time the sun was doing her thing.

The zoo was larger than I'd imagined, it takes the little train 20 minutes to circle the zoo. Our grandson told us that the zoo is 800 miles long!

As we began our walk along the path I caught the sent of summers past. I don't know exactly what it was, but it immediately brought me back to my childhood summers. I love it when that happens. Something small just has those happy memories flow.

We saw tigers, otters, bears, giraffes, a rhino, hippos, monkeys, ducks, turtles, flamingos, rose colored spoonbills, an elephant, snakes, alligators, and lots of fish.

Some days are just good. Yesterday was one of those days.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wedding Bells

We had a wedding here last Saturday. Here Comes the Bride was loud enough to stop people on the street. I noticed a few walkers had stopped hoping to catch a glimpse of the bride. It was a delightful outdoor wedding. The weather was sunny and cool with just an occasional breeze. It had rained the day before but the ground had dried nicely.

Our yard really did look nice. Our lawn maintenance crew worked over the last couple weeks making sure the yard would be at it's best (they even came back the morning of the wedding to make sure everything was right). Quite a change for our backyard, when we purchased the house there was very little grass. Now it's all lovely and green with bushes and flowers at the rear. Hubby worked on the pool and had it crystal clear.

The best man was 5. The fella who gave away the bride is 7 and the delightful flower girl ... well it would be impolite to mention a little lady's age!

I do's have been said, well wishes received and now the happy couple have gone off for a few days. We had a great time and hope that all our guests did as well. We ended the evening after most of the guests had left by letting the little kids go swimming and then watching a movie on the patio while the adults enjoyed jamming with ROCK BAND.

Gone are the strawberries, the cake, leftover sandwiches, and about a gazillion mints (gazillion IS a real number so says one of my grandsons). The tent is gone, all the pretty white lawn chairs are picked up and gone, so is the beautiful silver punch fountain. The little children loved that fountain. They could help themselves to something to drink over and over and over again. Some children even wanted to know if that fountain could stay here! They hinted that someone should give it to me for a birthday gift. I can see that it would be welcomed by old and young. But I heard no volunteers offering to buy it, so next party we won't have it but we just might drag out the chocolate fountain!

What I miss most is the shade of that big beautiful white tent. I told hubby that we really are going to miss that. Because we have few trees it seems the sun just hovers over us while swimming. A nice place of shade would be welcomed.

I lost my digital camera before the wedding. Hubby and I looked everywhere and couldn't find it. As if we didn't have enough things to do before the wedding we were looking under sofa cushions, under beds, behind dressers, through drawers, in cabinets, in the trunk of the car. What we found was more dust bunnies than we care to even know exist. Hubby broke out the vacuum and vaporized a few of them. Finally I gave up and admitted that it was lost and bought another camera, an Olympus. The morning of the wedding as hubby was getting dressed he found that lost camera tucked away in his dress shoes. Immediately a suspect came to mind. We had babysat the previous week for 3 adorable boys and I figured it was one of the younger ones. Yesterday I checked out the old camera, a Sony CyberShot, and found out who hid the camera! The culprit took his own picture!

Here's a vid of the wedding. So happy for the new couple.