Monday, September 29, 2008

Yakity Yakity Yak

We headed out of town this afternoon for a few days. We took a 4 year old grandson with us and he talked the whole way. I tried just putting in the earphones and listening to music but he would just yell louder until I'd answer him. I know I must have responded to at least 500 questions on the trip!

First he didn't want to stop to eat because he wasn't hungry, but when he found out we were stopping at Cracker Barrel which has a great store inside he was thrilled. He came out with a flashlight that has candy in it... one for him and one for the cousin we are going to visit.

Next it was a scream to go potty. Then it was a stop to potty again. Then it was jumping up and down in the seat needing to go again, but this time we were caught in a Texas sized traffic jam on the 610 loop around Houston, so we just pulled over and he did his business at the side of the freeway.

There we helicopters flying circles above us. I doubt they were after us for the breach in potty etiquette! Most likely due to the accident of an 18 wheeler that had lost his load of 2x4's on the roadway. But little man was so excited and he kept using his 'outside' voice yelling for me to look again!

We tried to convince him to play the quiet game but he wasn't buying it. In fact every 10 or 20 seconds he would just remind me that I was winning. I would have preferred to have won in silence! All the while he was chewing as much of his HubbaBubba Bubble gum that he could possibly fit into his mouth.

I am so glad we've arrived! He is playing with his cousin and having a great time!

I am so blessed to have him with me, but I feel so sorry for his mama. She must be so lonely, surely her day was boring without him asking her all those questions! I bet she just had a miserable day reading a book in a quiet corner or something.

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