Tuesday, September 11, 2007

He Was a Naughty Naughty Boy

Little Chris was a naughty naughty boy. Oh dear, he'd been caught! And for that he got a cup of Koolaide and a candy bar!!!

What? Did I hear right? Naughty boys get rewarded? Hey where were these rules when I was growing up? I can still hear my mother yelling at me, I still hear her disappointment (which frankly was much worse than the yelling), and I can still remember having to go outside and pick my own switch when things REALLY got bad. Never do I remember getting a reward. Hum.... Let's back up a bit and find out more about this naughty naughty thing little Chris did.

When Mommy was busy cooking and Daddy was reading a book Chris snuck into Daddy's closet and found a bottle. He thought himself very smart because he figured out how to open it. He even tasted it, some got onto his hands. Ooops caught in the act. "Oh Hi Mommy" Chris said, "Where did you come from? Aren't you supposed to be in the kitchen or somewhere?"

Chris's Mommy wasn't buying that "I didn't do anything" act. Then Mommy got a frown on her face, Chris dosen't like it when Mommy frowns and tells him he's been naughty. Chris just figured he'd been a brilliant little boy! Why didn't Mommy see it that way too?

Mommy called someone on the phone and next thing he knew he was taking a bath and drinking Koolaide - 'cool' Chris thought 'real cool'!

Mommy questioned little Chris about the bottle, but he refused to talk about it other than to say that it was Daddy's bottle (so I guess Daddy must be the one to get into trouble!) It made perfect sense to Chris, why didn't Mommy understand that? It WAS Daddy's bottle afterall. If she wanted to know something about that bottle shouldn't she ask Daddy? That's what little Chris thought.

Mommy then called Gramma to tell her Chris had been naughty and that the bottle contained rubbing alcohol and that Mommy had to watch to see if he looked drunk. Chris didn't know what drunk was, he was too busy playing in the tub and drinking his Koolaide and feeling like a brilliant boy! Gramma wanted to know why he needed sugar. Chris's Mommy said that the lady from Poison Control explained that because of the boot sealer his blood sugar might go down and that Mommy should give him some sugar to correct that.

So Gramma told Mommy that she had better give that boy a candy bar!!! Chris always felt he loved Gramma but now he knows it for sure!!! What a family.

Gramma must get her wisdom from 'her' Mama. She's the old lady that likes to give out M&M's at breakfast and tells worried Mama's not to fret because it's not like ANYONE else would do it!!!

And so that's why Chris's naughty adventure landed him in the tub with Koolaide and a candy bar.

Oh yes, Chris has promised to stay away from Boot Sealer and Daddy promises to put his things up higher out of Chris's reach and Mommy promises to reward Chris when he does something good like eat his vegetables. She also promises to smile more often. Great Gramma said that she isn't going to make any promises that she doesn't intend on keeping, she also said that she's running low on M&M's.
Gramma says : The moral of this story is that at any moment a bad situation can turn sweet!!!

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